
:rofl:rofl got fucked by the long hard dick of the law

I was referring to the person with the Celica that got reckless driving.

calm down

Fuck you

i think i saw you driving friday night on central

Id hit it :thumbup

really? Cause it tried to keep up with me and in about 5 seconds flat he was 16 trailer lengths behind me.

get something LSx powered :wink:

Someday, just not something I would want to DD throughout college.

that celica ran over the curb at circuit city last night :thumbup

yah I dont blame ya.


Oh wow there are far to many ass clowns on here. Who is this celica tard trying to stick up for these morons who dont know how to drive through a parking lot. I hope they keep getting tickets

she is a chick that likes the dark meat :ahh

She is a retard like her boys in their sick trucks

they are far from sick… they are :haha gas powered dodges :retardclap

Yea sounds like they are holding the Special Olympics in Kohls parking lot

They were the group of tards at Circuit City when we rolled through last night
