ooooohhhhh pics plz. :ninja

ahahaha notta chance :slight_smile:

:eek2:eek2:eek2oooohhhweeeeeee and sassy too i like that


well i would think that most guys do…however i tend to be a bit of a smartass, can’t help it :lol

this thread is HOT


I just got home from work and this thread is still going.Damn.

you’re redic.:ponder

Thats how we do it here @ Shift :lol

exactly. :hijacked

lol you guys are touched :lol

yes please :excited

not ONCe did i say i was doing the touching… :rofl

thats k… we’ll have to use our imagination. on that note, i’m off to bed :slight_smile:

:ahh lol its early still!!!

Wait, new girl on shift? where was my PM?!

She slightly resembles both Nicole AND Tricia :rofl

Taken though…it seems…like every other girl on shift :facepalm

Old lot sucks, too much PR. I also swung by Sat night was NOONE there. Course I was rolling 4 peeps in the Escape.

Wait no, I did see a C6Z.

Thats my opinion of it now, not 5 years years ago. Hell even 3 years ago it wasn’t that bad. When I graduated HS (2007) I started to notice the downward spiral into what it has become today.

sorry :hug