holy dogshit, what the fuck happened to this thread?

You don’t want to know.Just back away slowly like nothing happened.

guess so !

Shift happened…:lol

clearly :tongue

I love you

Jk jk, but seriously, lets get together :tongue:rofl

lol loves a strong word :tongue and I already have a boyfriend haha

Im just messin with ya. No harm meant lol:thumbup

But I do have a sweet Mustang :rofl

lol trust me i can take a joke… :tongue and if you’re mustangs awesome then tell me about it :rofl

i can dish out smartass jokes too :-p

I haz nawsss, one of the big ones! Ladies like it :lmao

lmfao :rofl im sure they do…what color??? :haha

Easy cowboy, she’s obviously a Toyota fan. :hug

My car? White, its in my sig lol.

Im a closet Yota homo, I think you forgot :lol

Yea, I know. You have a special love for the brand. Deep down your a ricer.

ahhh wasnt sure if that was yours or a pic of someone elses…lol sorry some people have other cars and shit in their sigs… :lol

i love imports <3333 :tongue

nothing wrong with yotas :slight_smile: mines at almost 159k and still going

Haha, nah thats my turd!

With that said, I think we need to break up… :lmao