Lots of Big News, Bye bye for now WNY.

Well, I’m leaving you assholes again for a while. :frowning:

Next semester I only have 2 classes left to take to receive my degree in Mechanical Engineering, so instead of going part time to UB, shoveling snow, being cold and living through another dragged out winter, I’ll be taking those classes at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Haven’t nailed down my apartment yet but it looks like I’ll be living 2 blocks away from Waikiki Beach.

And on top of that, my boss gave me a little Christmas present last week in the form of a job offer. I am now a future Product Engineer of Moog. :slight_smile: So basically I can go to Hawaii for 6 months knowing that when I come back (with passing grades of course) I have a full time engineering job waiting for me.

So, my friends, 7 Days from now I’ll be in the air, leaving Buffalo. Going to spend 4 days in San Diego with the g/f before flying out to Hawaii on the 8th from there, and won’t be back until mid June. Also considering going to Europe for a couple weeks before coming back to Buffalo, but we’ll see how the funds look.


Good deal

Congrats :tup:

Hawawii is nice but… :smiley:

Congrats, that should be a great experience!

very nice, i’m jealous.

check out the Halekulani on Waikiki. I used to stay there. Amazing place.

Cool beans buddy.

Congratulations, that sounds awesome.

Congrats man.


Willybeen version 2.0 :frowning: lol

good luck man, that’ll be an awesome 6 months I’m sure

Must be nice

work hard and you can have nice things too

congrats to you man :tup:


hate u pillows :frowning:

Congrats. :tup:

Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out! :wave:

Hate to see you go but love to watch you leave! :pedo:

Congrats dude! Good luck!


tits! :tup:

let me know when i can come visit in hawaii… ?

That’s great. Congrats!

congrats, enjoy the interstate…oh wait.

im jealous =(

It would take a lot to make me turn down Moog, but on the other hand, it’s also the only job I would have taken to keep me in NY so we’ll see. I just think it would be stupid to not at least work at Moog for a few years since I can pretty much go anywhere from there.

Shit, anytime you want aside from UB spring break lol. I think the list of people coming to visit is up to 8 now.

Thanks for the comments guys. This whole ordeal is bittersweet. I’ll obviously have a blast in Hawaii but I’m going to miss a lot of people while I’m there. At least I know I’m coming back. Which is also bittersweet lol