Loudest Subwoofer in teh world


Balls. We used to sell DD at my shop. I thought it was impressive that we made a car hit 160.8db with 2 12" subs and a 4,000 watts. 180.5 is impressive period let alone the fact that they used 1 18" sub. 26,000 watts is insane though to 1 speaker.

at what db level do you go deaf?

That is just overkill. You wouldn’t be able to sit in your car and listen to anything. You would be deaf in no time. After the 90db range you start to cause damage to your hearing. I can only imagine what 180 would do.


Umm… the car is for db drag racing only I’m pretty sure. The car is filled with concrete to make it solid so it doesn’t flex. Also for the amount of power they’re using I’m guessing they have somewhere around 20-40 amps and probably a good 20 batteries.

who cares.

db drag racing lol

Four amps and fifteen batts accually

its almost as exciting as automotive figureskateing.(drifting)

haha yeah

who cares

doesn’t your heart start to malfunction around 160db?




How do you put out 26,000 watts with auto DC power? That’s nearly 2000 amps. You’d need 4/0 cable on each amp to carry 500 amperes.

multiple runs of 0ga. plus the bank of batteries is usually charged before the run. so the wire only has to go a foot if that from the batteries to the amps