MTX Jackhammer 350lb subwoofer *video*

pimp maaaaaaaah riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide

yeah that shit is ri-god-damn-diculous

i hope it does better than 130db… lol.

yeah 6000+ watts on a 360lb sub and its only 130db? You can do that with a 10" sub and 300 watts haha.

i’m sure its good for other things.

like letting your girlfriend get off on? I dunno. .

exactly what I was thinking. the excursion on it better be more than 8"

I sure it could help someone with kidney stones.

:word: lol, it will certainly shake somethign loose

At least he won’t have to worry about someone stealing it.

Can’t imagine any of that is good for the suspension/power accessories.

lol … start charging the women $20 to sit on the trunk for 20 min …

excusion on it is “2.5 inches one way” so i guess its 5 total ?

that kid was like, “shit, my backseat is gone. there goes that plan”


mad mike, is sooooo maddd

every time i see pimp my ride , all i can think of is myself sitting in the stands at carlise screaming “dude, what color are the door jambs on a red cars supposed to be ??? what color bitch ?”

foose > PMR
foose > boyd

boyd = PMR …just cause i wanna see boyd fall down a flight of stairs as much as i do the cast of PMR

PMR is stupid, Boyd just sux ass, and is an ass. Foose is cool but seems alittle cocky sometimes, i realy wanna bang the chick on his show.

they apparently have a new chick, and shes not nearly as cool as courtner. i saw the newest mustang episode yesterday and they had some chick whos only job was to stand there and give crappy narative … never once saw her walking around the shop, let alone lending a hand to the build …

from the forum on tlc’s website:

I noticed for a while one person is gone. I do have to say I saw miss courtney this past weekend in Brainerd. I drove up with the family from Aitkin to visit some family I got out there. We all went to Brainerd interantional speedway on sunday. Low and behold there she was as grand marshall of the NHRA nationals !
I waited sometime to get a photo and autograph and flat out asked her why she was missing from the shows. She said SHE LEFT the show to pursue other opportunities becasue her contract did not let her do other things. said it was a chance she had to take.

:tup: to her doing what she needs to do
:tdown: to her being replaced by a chick that car-clueless

:t-down: she was the only reason I watched the show. Granted ive mist it the last few weeks cause i didnt even know she was gone. There was just somthing so sexy about her. Would love to have her and the CSI vegas chick at the same time. mmmmmm yummy

Ok lets take bets.

What kills this kid first???

The magnetic field he is surrounding himself with or the subwoofer flying out of the box clipping the right side his body when he stops short for a cat in the road?