LOL @ cossey!
sooo accurate!
See my post above…maybe it’ll help illustrate the point Alex is trying to make.
If not, I’ll try again.
Smokin posts a video of an S2K that does NOT belong to Dave. In that video, there is also some American product(s) that do NOT belong to Smokin. Thus, the video consists of random cars which MAY or MAY NOT illustrate the outcome of a race between Smokin and Dave.
Alex, posts a video of a random Jeep SRT to illustrate this point. Meaning, it has nothing to do with anything…just like Smokin’s video has nothing to do with Dave or Smokins’ cars and thus a poor example of what can happen or will happen. Trash talk? Yes. Fact? Hardly.
All we know is S2K /= Camaro. We don’t know if S2K is > or < Camaro.
I don’t care about ethier of them, I have an evo that’s all what really concerns me, oh and tdi’s oh and this special person aswell
Yeah, I get that. I’m just trying to clarify what Alex was doing as a couple of people don’t get it lol.