low trac light with traction control off?

i was at the track yesterday running the hell out of my car, and the last 2 passes it started acting wierd as hell. the first one, i launched and ran the pass fine, but as i got on the brakes, there was a crack from the rearend and my low trac light came on…but the traction control was off. the car did wheelhop like crazy on that last pass. didn’t think too much of it, and i was in the 3rd round of brackets so i still had to run anyways. the next launch i guess my car clunked like crazy (everyone outside heard it, but i didn’t) and the car spun like crazy(very very easy for some reason, only launched at 1000 rpm), then fell on it’s face, i let off and punched it again and it ran fine. any ideas what’s up with that low trac light? never heard of it coming on when the t/c is off. something definitely feels wrong with the car though. it feels like it’s only pushing from the right rear and almost sways in the rear when changing lanes or turning. they called and told me not to come into work today so i don’t have anywhere to really mess with it and see if i fugged the rearend yet. i might go into work to check it out anyways. i have probably a couple hundred passes on the car this summer, and about 20 passes just yesterday. i’m hoping that the rearend or an axle didn’t finally start to give up the guts, but it drives fine just taking it easy and it doesn’t make any noise or anything.

because ur spinning!!!

yeah, but the traction control is off? the light never came on before when it was turned off?

i had a SS toss on the that light when going from 4th to 3rd while down shifting at a high rpm. car never had any issues but once in awhile tha tlight would come on

ditch the abs

u didnt pussy

i did

does it clunk during normal driving, going around bends, etc or only at the track?

anytime i lay on it out of the hole or break the tires loose bangin gears in my car the low -trac light comes on dont worry about it

is this questino directed towards me? cause mine goes clickty clack a lot :rofl:

yes i did, my abs is inop:finger2:

On some cars even though you turn the TCS off doesnt mean that it fully disengages but I’m not very familier with your car.Also if you have a locker it will clunk around corners.If not that maybe damage to your rear end?Just my thoughts.

when my wheels spin, or when my ABS comes on, my low traction light will come on

mine does too, but only when the traction control is on. when it’s off i can do burnouts, donuts, or whatever and it doesn’t com on. the car only did all this once and it’s been fine since so i’d assume it was just a one time glitch or something :x: . it’s getting put away for the winter this week so i’ll worry about it in the spring if it does it again.

not sure, but it does it with traction off