Lowered the Car Yesterday v. Crappy Cell phone pics.


ok why is it that every time Justin makes a thread involving his car, all he gets is people hating on his rims? its his car, so why do you care what it looks like? if he likes, it, thats all that matters! In the last ~2 weeks, i have seen 2 other S4s that look just like his on here (one as a project thread and one FS thread) so i dont blame him for wanting to make his car stand out a little bit. he made the thread about lowering his car, not about if people like his rims. oh my god, what happened if people didnt like something on YOUR car??? imagine that???

btw, i think the car looks a really good now justin. just get that front ride height figured out and you’ll be all set.


People didnt like the idea of you making your truck fast…and you were dead set on it…now you have a GTO…lol

Anyways it looks nice lowered…The rims would look better with bigger brakes…