Bought something on, saw they had a contest, so what the heck, entered it. Popped up on the screen that I one. Didn’t really believe it until my $100 gift card showed up yesterday. Woohoo!
They’re giving away 100 each day through June 18.
Bought something on, saw they had a contest, so what the heck, entered it. Popped up on the screen that I one. Didn’t really believe it until my $100 gift card showed up yesterday. Woohoo!
They’re giving away 100 each day through June 18.
One, eh?
i entered but didnt win yet
you didn’t oin yet?
You must have done it wrong.
free messican work for a day
I cut the grass & do the landscaping. I AM the mexican.
I cant believe you one a won hundred dollar gift card. Thats awesome.
Good catch Mike. I wish it was too hundred.
getting a welder now?:dunno:
Someone is thinking patio furniture. :rolleyes: