LQ4 or LQ9 block

Looking to purchase a LQ4 or LQ9 block, let me know what you have and a price.

I just emailed this guy: http://rochester.craigslist.org/pts/2233733388.html

his reply: I think it is sold but it’s a lq4 motor Cast block aluminum heads.

no price but might be worth looking into.

I have a 5.3 block you could punch out if you wanted something cheap.

If he doesnt want to mess with that I might be interested down the road…

How much for the block? what else do you have for it? (accessories, harness, etc)

Nah not interested in a 5.3, but thanks anyway. BUMP BUMP BUMP


Bare block and main caps, nothing else. Scrap weight value would work.