Off the shelf (not reincforcedwristpin)

i need a reinforced wristpin…lol:jerkit:

here is another question…OEM Honda Bearings or A/M? Should I get the rotating assembly balanced?

OEM’s are good. ACL’s are good too… I got my crank balanced, They are very good from the factory but it never hurts…

I got my entire bottem end assembled at Station Auto parts on Cory…I and bunch of other people had there honda motors built there. they never just hack it together… its right every time…

do you have a number for them??

and how much did it run?

400-500 and i gotta look for a number

are you throwing a turbo on this??

:slight_smile: of course

which one you looking at? so far youre doing the gsr with cp 9:1 compression…and sleeved right? soooo which turbo? dont forget to upgrade the fuel system… and what ecu you thinking about too??

not trying to be mean but your way behind the program, ive been boosted for over a year, this isnt a help me boost my car thread, I was just asking weather or not to use an ls or GSR block and opinions on pistons. Thanks tho man i appriciate it.

ahh i c…

thanks tho

lol no prob

I think you should just check the specs on your rotory gerder…ah Im retarded…lol

Get a GSX…lol


ahh dam you parolli, you and your suby-doo can go eat some spaghetti…dego! :slight_smile: