LS1 cam dyno testing

As funny as some of the cam names are let’s keep this about the cam testing that Studderin is going to be doing.

Im looking for a MS4 and a G5X3, and any other big 24x cam only type.

There are people selling an MS4, G5X3 and a VRX5 on Tech right now.

I do not think he is looking to buy all of these just borrow them. Although he could just buy them and resell without much of a loss.

honda has…
and then everything else is “a” “b” or roman numerals, etc. boring shit lol

^^^ :fu:

Ah, i completely didnt see that… my bad lol

what does “LSA” mean on these cams?

Lobe Separation Angle

looks to be interesting, i always wanted to do something like this

So wait… how exactly do you do this?
Wouldn’t your cam be the best because your car is already tuned with the cam? or are you going to retune after every cam swap

it shouldn’t take much to get the tune close, and i’m sure mike has enough repetitions with the popular cams

ah alright…
i thought maybe they did it STM style… :roflpicard:

If you want a MTI S1 .612/.612-inch lift and 244/244 duration I should have it this weekend.

Yeah send that up here for sure.

Got my sleeved 4xx lsx today… :slight_smile:

YES! I spent my 4xx monies on all gay shit like paint, suspension and interior. Man I am getting old. Oh well a good old fashioned Trex will have to work for now haha.


eyez haz da Trex


well hurry the eff up so eyez can haz eet.