
haha…thats right the lt1 won over shag from a dig…but not from the roll!!!
as said the lt1<302 :blue:

but i must say…i was very impressed with shags car!!! that thing is quick!!! none of the 302’s around here run like that…nice car shag

get thing for u his posi’s out!

i know…when we went to ur place to get his car he said my rear sounds like his!!! i need new tranny too…klunks a little when shifts

thats a trans mount!

thats what i was thinking

whats up with it when im driving at like 40mph and then when i floor it…it takes like a year to downshift???

i think i want a ls1 w/ a 6spd

parts kicker


well what ever i do i will know buy jan. b/c i am either going to get a car payment or get a loan to do things to the camaro

if i get a payment i want a ls1 with a 6spd

I havent raced a lt1 camaro in a long time :cool:
PM your # incase you may want to go streetracing with us sometime :kekegay:

as i said before…shags car has 3rd gear v-tec