LT1ost Owners

well it does go good with your last name.


:fart: just buy a minivan and start you own carpet business with shaggy

:doh: :finger:

how about I become a roofer like you and Shaggy… I can even have my own truck with my name in it

dont fall off the roof then you might see ***********

I can pee off the roof and spell my name in the snow

no, shaggy got fired. didnt you see the post he fell off and grabbed ahold of some power lines. when the fire was put out i fired his ass

better get a harness cause its a long fall

ummmm, where does religion belong on a car site? time for a ban

for real is he OK

prob right after bikes remodling

cry baby

Im Out To Much Drama For Me

look at his post he got fired

this is something you really need

todd i’m gonna hyjack this thread because i treid pms but the damn thing kept freezing on me and i’m not goni through that again…any chance u can bring that demon carb book to jj’s tomororw? or get it to george?

strange…didnt konw i said anything about motor mods??? :stick: and ill def. race you…i also have 4.10’s and suspension mods…ill race from a dig…or from a roll whatever you wanna do… :bigok: soo…whenever you want not flashlights

cool, and i do dig with this car but remember im only a 15secLX

alright…never said ur a 15 sec. lx…im down for racing…is urs a lx or a gt…was there even that big of a dif. between the lx and gt…or was it jst the ground effects???