Hey, say what you want about the guy I like the fact he seems to care. You think Murphy gave a damn …or Sophie??
I do not live in the city…so i don’t give a rats ass
this guy consistantly only seems to be in the news revolving around the Steelers, getting arrested at sporting events, taking trips to sporting events or sneaking into sporting events. He needs to run the city somewhere other than into the ground.
Oh Christ, here we go. Yes, all of the city’s problems are his fault. It has nothing to do with the major socio-economic changes that began over 20 years ago.
im already blaming obama for the problems in the U.S. i mean he is about to get in the seat so it should be his fault.
no one said it was all his fault but what is he doing to help? is there ever positive news about the mayor other than the typical things that every politician does? (volunteer at the soup kitchen…etc) there is always a stench around him. the current thing is about the owners of club pittsburgh having a funraiser for his campaign.