Mayor drives city looking for icy streets

Mayor drives city looking for icy streets
Thursday, February 14, 2008
By Rich Lord, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl headed out looking for icy streets this afternoon amidst reports that some city roads still haven’t been properly plowed and salted more than 24 hours after the snow stopped.

“I’ve been somewhat critical of the job we’re doing and I want to go out and see firsthand,” said the mayor, as he left the City-County Building around 2:35 p.m. with assistant public works director Rob Kaczorowski

Is it acceptable if some city streets are still unnavigable? “Not in my eyes,” he said.

He also said the administration is looking into reporting by KDKA-TV’s Marty Griffin that politicians sometimes get their streets plowed first.

“We’re looking into how we deploy our trucks,” he said. “We have routes, and individuals should be staying on those routes, and if they’re not, we need to find out why. It’s part of an overall analysis of how we deliver these services and make sure we deploy them appropriately.”

He said he may fast-track a plan to use a computer system called RouteSmart to redraw plowing routes.

He said he ordered the Department of Public Works to “plow my street last,” but believes his order was ignored.

“I know there were trucks on my street,” he said. “They don’t listen to me.”

He said he will reiterate the order.

boy thank God we have luke on the job…:rof:

i thought we were goin green in pittsburgh? whats he driving around wasting gas for? this guy is an ass. you hire someone to do that job, make sure the streets get plowed. if its not done, you fire him… you dont drive around the fuckin city like a dope. This is what happends when you elect ferris bueler mayor of pittsburgh

Uh…actually, I think it’s pretty cool of him to do something like that. But if you’d rather him sit in his office and not give a shit, well that’s fine with me. I live in McCandless.

no one cares. stfu.

well tell him to go anywhere in the s.hills that is in the city. the road in between 88 and 51 next to the old ass bar that goes up the hill (into dead end neighborhood, not the one that heads towards dormont) was fucking rediculous tuesday night. i went up there for a stuck and i almost got stuck also. it was fucking rediculous. 10 hours after it stopped snowing it was still shitty. fuck him… tell him to get in a plow truck and go salt not drive around in a fuckin suburban that he stole off of homeland security.

i think it is a good idea. When in any job do you see the head boss coming down to check on your ass? I think more people should follow suit.

theres only one way to know if the complaint is valid. and that is going to check on it

Why doesn’t he stop by Sq. Hill, none of the streets are plowed here, barely the main streets get treated…

Did he go with the truck driver or go in a suv ?

It’s a simple and fundamental rule of leadership:

“Inspect what you expect.”

he’s doing what ever typical politician does after the fact. not impressed at all. infact he ordered that his street gets plowed last…i’d be pissed if i lived on the that street. 1,100 or some complaints is not that bad, thats way less than 1% anything under 2% is fantastic… your not gonna please everyone, especially old people who love to complain… personally i realize the weather is > snow removal efforts… its sucks to be inconvienced for a lil but there are worse things in the world. Its a problem but a small problem, i should be able to be handled by a phone call from the mayor to costa and thats the end of it, not the mayor wasting a day driving around lookin like OJ searching for nicole’s killer. If costa isn;t gettin the job done you fire him. Typical politician, show up for ten minutes or whatever, get on camera, make some statement that was made a million times before and then nothing changes in the long run

in much the same way you whining about it on Pittspeed is really gonna get shit done, I’m sure.

ohhhh the pot calling the kettle black…thats 99% of ur posts…

The mayor of their city actually takes the time to drive around the city looking for uncleared roads so he can better serve his consitutuents by making sure that their streets are cleared…and instead of “thanks”, Pittsburghers get furious about it…amazing.

Yeah, he should have totally just started firing people. That’s always the best solution. :rofl:

WOW are you naive… he didnt do this on his time, he was gettin paid to drive around and LOOK FOR ICY STREETS… are you fucking kiddin me.

whats funny to me is i bet a lot of you think congress has better things to do than investigate football cheating and steroids in baseball but think the mayor driving around lookin for icy streets is ok.

i didnt say start firing people for no reason, i said its Costa’s Job to make sure the streets are clean, the mayor manages the people, costa manages the job.if the job isnt getting doen the mayor should tell guys costa to get his ass out there and report back… i can;'t believe how all of you fall for this plublicity stunt. this isn;t a flood in hays or a fire in homewood, the mayor doesn;t need to get out there for the cameras to show his worth…

i think the only person that actually cares is Cutty. Big surprise there.

WOW are you naive… he didnt do this on his time, he was gettin paid to drive around and LOOK FOR ICY STREETS… are you fucking kiddin me.

LOL…yeah, that’s it, I’m naive. This has absolutely nothing to do with you having a hard-on for seeing this mayor fail. :wink:

City streets are beat ass in the winter. Some never get plowed at all.