Lukes New Ride

Hey guys dont know if any of you have seen this. I am deployed but I was on the phone with my mom and she told me about it so though I would pass it along. There is an RSX Type S at Capital District Truck Center in their show room that they are doing up for a kid named Luke who is diagnosed with cancer . They are taking donations to help finish the car. I am having my mother go down with some cash from me to donate. It is a really good cause and its tax season haha so if anyone has just a couple extra bucks its a really good cause. If you dont wana donate or you cant, can you at least keep Luke in your prayers. I personally lost my grandfather and a close friend to cancer. Lets help CDTC finish the car for Luke.

I wish him best of luck.

How old is Luke?

I am not exactly sure I believe 18 or 19. Like I said I do not personally know him but my mom stopped to get my a catalog for wheels for my truck and saw the car and was asking about it. The lady behind the counter told her and she passed it to me. I think it tells in the link somewhere how old he is.

Hey, I work there and donated the spoiler for the car. The car is finished but unfortunately Luke passed away a couple weeks after we gave the car to him. We are still taking donations for lukes fund.

No shit , sucks about the death any pics at all ?

The pics are in the link posted in the first post.

Jesus, that’s horrible. I’ll be by to make a donation. Zims is my buddy. I’m sure you guys made him happy for the rest of his days, truly sad.

aahhh shitt, that sucks that he passed away…fuccck.


Holy shit man I’m sorry I posted this then I didnt know. My bad man I really do apologize

Don’t sweat it dude lol , were a car group and we like seeing this type of thing for people that need it .

It’s all good man. Feel free to stop in and check it out!

If it is still there in June when I get home from deployment I most definitely will. My mom is bringing down a donation from me on Friday. Its not much but I figure even a little is better than nothing. I will also keep Luke’s family in my prayers

Ohh man, I am sorry to hear this.

The parents should auction off the car for charity or something. Or use it for cancer awareness at local car shows.

If the car needs any fabrication or anything like that I would love to put my effort into it to help the cause.

We’re building another car this year for another person. The person will be chosen at this years dyno day.

bad ass man. you all rock. if you need anything tigged or any help we can do for ya. let us know buddy.