LVD tonight? 6/2/10

Damnt I want to go to LVD

The weather guys suck dick…Sunday it was supposed to be nice all through today, then it rained yesterday, gonna rain today. Idiots.

im working tomorrow 7am to 11pm and sat 3-11

damn u got crazy hrs this week aye

no because i havent worked since last thursday off, working three day and having another three days off starting sunday is nice

damn! nice kiddo, rain tonight on the only night u got a weds off…bssssssss

yup, ill still go up there, just to make sure

Fuck rain.

This shit better not come but the radar map is looking mighty green


I’m all ready to go with my helmet and pants but it’s rainng here at work. I’m ready to race. I will be there if it’s gonna be raceable

Shut it Ali

if it stops raining ill prolly be down for a little bit…which looks to be out of the question


Again, FUCK RAIN… fuck it like you’re rac92eghatch228 and rain is your sister.

Cancelled. From their site. Shit. I was all set today

I think I am gonna race sunday …

me to

You Coming with ? Or Car going to be done?

Just kidding i wish lol.