LVD tonight? 6/2/10

see sean, your not a total waste :slight_smile: j/k buddy!

Im not sure I would go that far but thank you Mr.Gage

I was happy to hear one of my Alero buddies managed a 14.5 out of his 2.2 ecotec Wednesday :smiley:
I need to make one of these W-days, I havenā€™t been to ANY this year.

i ran next to him in the minivan, i was like yesssssssss, iā€™m going to pull on this motherfucker, then he ran a 14.5 and i was like

Kramer that minivan is weak as dog balls

Yea, itā€™s supercharged at i think 7PSI and is soon to be meth injected and boost raised to 10PSI or so. Gotta love the ecotec, bottom end is bulletproof to the 400hp range.

Iā€™ll have to take a look at the vids he took, I didnā€™t know he raced you :rofl

Im going to be at the next one. fuck this shit.


as MK430R would say ā€œman pants, do itā€

I know how you could take 60lbs out of the car real quickā€¦:lol

you better run it you green pant wearing male nurse motherfucking cuntbag slut.

doubt it :wink:

In for watching Code Bitch fail hard


ha. ha. ha

No sense in making a new thread so whoā€™s going tonight?

going if weather permits

Wow weather looks like ass for up there.Fml

you never know though

burddd wen u wrkn again?

Going to rain.