Mac users?


Where are you refferring to?

Anyway, I called the applestore and they said in a nutshell I was shit out of luck getting my free nano. And after seeing they were still availible online when bying a mac it really pissed me off. So a call to corporate Mac customer service and everything is fixed. My nano will be coming in 5 business days.


UBMicro at the north campus of UB.

I’ve hooked up a lot of people on this site.

Ah, I didn’t even realize they sold apple products there.

old powermac g4 with straight pimpin’ dual 450 weak ass processors son!

oh, I also didn’t mention they sent me the new Nano, not the last gen. :slight_smile:

what browser are you guys all using.

Ive just recently gotten Camino, its really nice, its a mozilla browser built for Macs. You cant use extensions or themes, but it looks nice already, and its much faster then FireFox.


20" iMac for me. I wouldnt mind a laptop, but i would need a macbook pro, and can’t afford that.

I also use camino and like it. The only thing i dont like is how searching within web pages (option + f) brings up a seperate box like IE. yuck. It’s supposed to get chaged in a future update though. It’s a lot less power hungry than firefox too.


ibook g4 here

i use the same background


both statements also apply to me.

whats the difference between macbook and macbook pro?

the differences are constantly changing. but its usually a larger screen, a little more juice in the processor, more ram, and more HD space. Most of the differences are upgradable from the macbook.

then theres subtle stuff like a bunch of sensors that prevent damage from dropping it and fun stuff like that


both statements also apply to me.

whats the difference between macbook and macbook pro?


The primary difference is MacBook is a 13.3" screen and MacBook Pro is 15.4" and 17"