mad max>*

I’ve always loved those movies


mad mex > *

:yum: that too

that’s what I thought this thread was about/ wtf is mad max?


google it, mad max (beyond thunderdome ring a bell?)

wow…mad max…

mad mex actually has a very good beer selection

I thought it said Mad Mex too haha :yum:

Big Azz Maragaritas FTMFW

Never could get into watching the horrible movies.

Mad Mike>*

Bout to pimp yo ride!

Who run barder town?

no doubt. I never remember the night after two of those.

Master blaster.


I rank these movies with segal and van damme movies. They are absolutely horrible movies, but somehow every time they are on, I have to watch them.

I almost didn’t get any sleep last night because it was segal vs van damme on spike or something. :smiley:

^^ya i agree…