Any fans of the show here?
A good friend of mine got me to watch a single episode and I spend the last few months catching up on the seasons on Netflix after I got hooked.
There is something incredibly charismatic about the asshole characters and the “good old days”, as long as you were a white male :ahh
plan on watching, supposed to be a great series. i have so much damn TV to catch up on but hate watching TV in the summer
By far one of my favorite shows! Can’t wait to see how dark and twisted Pete becomes.
I have friends that are constantly telling me to watch some of the best shows on TV right now or over the past few years and I have no time and little interest into allocating so much time into it. However MadMen got me sucked in after just one episode due to the extremely well period appropriate sets and acting. Plus the period is just awesome.
I can only watch on Netflix so, so far the last season is a mystery to me.
Almost started to watch this yesterday. I may give it a look see when I find a free minute.