Maintainance Required Question

my car just hit 5000 miles today and my Maintainance Req. light went on…i dont have an interior button to push in to turn it off…

anyone know how else i can do this so it stops blinking and stayin on when i start my car??

Not like your accord huh. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here ya go :slight_smile:

hhaha definitely not like my accord…no little slot to reset it

…thanks John :slight_smile:

5000 already!!! I hope you aren’t limited on the mileage you can put on the car…

no , im not limited…

yea it sucks…3 months and 5000 already…but my parents moved to Rochester so i go up there often and i still have family in toronto and my grandma is sick so i have to go visit…

thats why its so much already…other than that i dont drive far distances around here…

No Prob:)