Maintenance Order Questions

:bloated: My car is pretty beat right now, it could use a new hood, front fender, interor, and minor body work. But I really want HID’s. Would I be an idiot to install HID’s instead of fixing the bodywork and minor mechanical problems first?


Actually, you’d be crazy not to put RIMZ on it right now.

pics of car atm

I already put slightly beat up wheels on it. I’m 1 step ahead.


Pics after I get home.


Sorry the title made me think that…

Fix the car.

HID’s on a good car = little bit better
HID’s on a beat car = San Francisco mobile

edit: wait this has to be a joke…

No, this is serious. I just drink excessive amounts and my judgement is impaired most of the time. So I like to check with Nyspeed to see what I should do.

wow. did i miss some fight you guys had?

awesome, subscribed

No, I just wanted someone to pick on.

And I havn’t had a cigarette today.


hids first… lol

hids, because while your car may not look all that great at least you can see where you are going :wink:


its only march… i still have plenty of time to do the body work. its a lot easier to install hids than it is to find clean parts for a 17 year old car.

and the hids look so fly! FAGGOT

I was wondering what the real story was…

Yeah, its hard to find parts when you just started looking yesterday!!11!!!111!1!1oneQ1!!1!!

the real story is i installed hids on my e30 because i bought them off of layzie and was bored last sunday. apparently this makes me a r1c3r. the car in question can be seen here…

jay i thought of a really good thread to start for you… but im not that mean :slight_smile:

I so wanted that car too at the point of sale.

I’d rock the HID’s, but with summer coming up probably fix the body work so it looks good in daylight.