make your own HD projector on the cheep

not that particular design, but check this site out… alot of very cool things that people are doing. Some guy used an LED array to light the screen opposed to using a normal bulb
1080p 15.4" screen for use in a projector
you’d be supprised what some of these DIY’ers are doing over there… check out some of the snap shots.

from what I’ve concluded… as long as the LCD supports a good refresh rate and contrast ratio… and you’re using a good light source (LED array/1600K bulb and ballast) and lens, they put out some very impressive images.

they don’t all use overhead projectors either… alot of them are pretty crafty designs.

I’m gonna try one when I get the chance. Granted it’s not as easy as ordering one and plugging it in, but with some work, I don’t see why it can’t be just as good as a store bought projector and for 1/16th the price

Gears of War on a DIY 1080p projector