Male Nurse = No Homo

Pretty soon standing on a corner of State Street in skirt is going to be very cold. :haha
$12 is the most Ive ever made and I just got a raise a few months ago.

Im thinking Im going to be. Its hard finding one that pays halfway decent now though with the economy the way it is.

auto buisness is always lookin just not dealrs shit a lubie makes more than you and all he does is oil changes and fucks up most of me

Im done working on cars. Ive done that before. I worked in a transmission shop a few years ago removing and installing and made $8 an hour.

take my place at the shop ill pay ya 13 just so i dont have to :lol

Im not even good at working on cars or Id be doing my own shit on the Mustang instead of paying 1000’s of $ to get shit done.

oh yeah true that

electrophysiology. doing cardiac implants

Fuck that. That means blood and guts and shit. Ive got a hard enough time watching ER and having to turn my head when I see shit like that.

no shit dude, good luck wit that :nod i would yack ill admitt it

You just want to work with my Aunt (Jim’s mom) :umm

pic of said aunt benny :nod

hmm. I’m going to step out of the mod position and say you REALLY don’t want to go there.

but yes, 99 percent of the reps are fuckin smokin !!!


i still need proof :nod

I remember the days of ass wiping…I switched to respiratory therapy cause nurse’s get to much shit and not enough pay

i know how much crap i put em threw when i roll in on a drunken accident :lol

Depends on what area of nursing but yes, some places really suck

i also vote for pics of said aunt.

You guys are idiots for making fun a male nurse. He has the potential to make more then most of this board will ever see and he can travel the world. Yea good call i’d rather turn wrenches like a grease head retard too…good career path cause my mom doesn’t make over 120k a year “wiping ass”

The aunt in question: