Male Nurse = No Homo

that looks like joey

i actually almost finished nursing school. i did great in labs, practical stuff, tests and all that. i just felt like its not really for me. though the pay is great for like traveling nurses.

I give props to anyone that can be a nurse. They have to both be super smart and deal with a ton of shit.

And yea, nurses will make more than most everyone on this board…with the exception of the software engineers of course :tong

my main reason was because i didnt want THAT much responsibility. when i was at XXXXXXXXX hospital(wont give out the name), i caught entirely TOO MANY fuckups that others have done and reported them, obviously. its not horrible, but still, i wouldnt want to make a mistake and kill a person then have to deal with it the rest of my life. also, i had to deal with too much geriatrics, and i just plain dont want to. all the other stuff’s not that bad actually. i never got below a 97 on anything i was tested on while in the program. it was my choice not to finish the program.

still looks like joey

My post wasn’t a stab at you, sorry if it came off that way. I agree with you on the responsibility bit too. I don’t mind flushing a few million dollars when I fuck up, but I could never live with myself if my fuck up cost someone their life.

nah, no offense taken or anything. im just sayin’. to me it wouldnt be a huge deal if i cracked open the wrong meds and had to flush em, but if i hurt a person? no way. i didnt think of that when i started the program, yanno? if i thought of it that way, i’d have never started it. its not even really about the money(although itd have bought me airbags and i’d be tuckin stock 17s) its more about the time that i could have spent working and making money. but oh well, you live and learn, right? :smile

with todays drug dispensing systems, thats rarely the case, but yes, I understand where your coming from

but it still looks liek joey

Singh = Alotta Homo

yea he is s homo :nana