MAN! Anyone On Here Black 2000ish Body Head On Accdnt

The gf was on her way home from work on Maple, turning onto Sweethome, when a black 2000 or so bodystyle Ford Mustang (she said it was a V8…I trained her well) was sitting UNDER the light so he couldny see it change. When he realized that the light changed, he goosed it and slammed head on into a van in the (south facing)turning (east) lane.
I was just curious if it was anyone on here and hope everyone made it out ok. He’s probably going to end up with somekind of ticket. He DEF. cut the lane too short from how I picture it. Also, a tip…dont sit under the light far enough that you cant see it.

I was wondering what they were sweeping up after…

I was at that call, wasnt anything to serious. I dont think anyone was transported. Although all we did was play the speedy dri crew :slight_smile:

I can attest to the difficulty in seeing a light whilst driving a 94-04 Mustang. I tend to stop short (when the top is up anyways) because the vertical viewing angle is so crappy. When the top is down it’s a different story - as you can imagine, there’s nothing to get in the way :-). That still doesn’t excuse the dumbass driving skillz that apparently took place.

I love my sunroofs just for that reason.

u a North Baily fireman? I heard that call go out on my pager, didnt sound too bad.

Yeah, the 'ol lady said everyone “looked” ok (the driver of the mustang look like he realized he killed his car for good). She also just told me she ~thinks~ she saw him actually kick the ass end out and didnt really hit the brakes = why the airbags went off hitting a parked car when he only went from the middle of the intersection to the front of a van…what like 40-50ft. ?

thats how i was in an accident when i was in high school. friend was driving and someone sitting under the light tried to turn and cut us off as we were going through the light and boom.

its either 13.8 or 14.8 mph to a dead stop deploys the airbags

its not based on mph, its based on g forces related to the impact. Thats what triggers the airbags in most modern vehicles.

Yep, Five years and counting. And you are right, It wasnt that bad :slight_smile:

I’m not going to argue, but there was a show I watched about it that said that.
Maybe 13 or 14mph to dead stop = X g force?
Who knows.