man, i eat some weird crap...

With a good quality BBQ sauce I would have to agree that actually is rather tasty.

Not that I’ve ever tried it before. :snky:


BBQ sauce makes everything better.

oh man…mindless would have LOVED that, he can’t get enough BBQ sauce and peanut butter!Much less at the same time! :lolsign: :wiggle:

boil up some polish sausage, then toss it in a pan with a bottle of the thick dark BBQ sauce, and slices of pinneaple…and fry it all up for a bit…

i shit you not, it’s incredible…

i just put franks red hot on my ramen noodels.
i keep a case under my desk.

mmm… now i want a potato chip sandwich.

keiser roll + butter + plain chips = crunchy & yummy.

idk if its weird but its definitively poor person food…1) rice in mike with sugar(served warm) 2) crackers in milk with sugar (served warm like an oatmeal) 3) pork & beans or spaghettioes with cut up hot dogs fried together in a pan 4)chicken breast/tuna with corn, peas, gravy, celery, carrots, mushrooms, onions, fried and served over toast. add in flower to make it real thick… idk

pb+j in a bowl with croutons.

peanut butter and sweet pickle sandwiches

Newman you’re a vegan!? Wtf?

I eat PB&J w/ chips in the middle. Same with a turkey sandwich or ham I put chips in the middle. Or if I eat a cheeseburger I put fries in the middle…etc.
Some people have said thats weird…

i eat frozen waffles, pretty yummy

and my favorite, peanut butter jelly tuna chicken sandwich

when i was a kid we used to take jelly, peanut butter and cottage cheese and mix them all in a bowl and eat it with a spoon. thats a strange lunch.


i just put franks red hot on my ramen noodels.


thats the only way i can eat ramen noodles.

Frito’s scoops + broccoli + vegi-dip. mmmmmmmmmm

edit: with green olives on the side