Man opens fire in Colorado movie theater

Couldn’t find the exact yahoo one as they have about 10 out now but this one says through the emergency exit.

Lol never mind

Forget gun laws, isn’t anyone else wondering how did this dude conceal-carried an AR, a 12 gauge and .40 on him into a movie theater presumably all the way from a parking lot and past everyone inside, and no-one noticed anything?
The only way is either a duffel bag or a long coat, and it would look strange to even a casual observer. If I see something like that I’d sure as hell take notice.

EDIT: usmc beat me to it.

That’s what happens when you (I) don’t read the source, that sure explains a lot. Not much that could have been do in this situation, the guy went all terminator on the place. I’m surprised he didn’t cut the power as well.

If you think more gun control or less gun control is solution to these mad men, you obviously don’t understand how these things happen.

And Cossey is right, untrained gun owners becoming their own judge and jury in a moment of panic isnt a great idea.

As I’ve said before, incident happens, gun holder gets shot by somebody else, hopefully missing all the innocent, another gun holder runs in and shoots the guy who just killed the bad guy because he sees him shooting people. Talk about another supreme court case because he shot an innocent man/hero while in good intensions.

So whats your solutions?

Carefully screening for mental illness as part of gun-selling process would be a good start. In the news article it says his mother knew right away that it was him that did it, clearly his relatives knew he was deranged.

What’s your solution to FORTY THOUSAND people dead every year in car accidents?

We can’t fix every problem and we should stop trying to, especially on rare incidents.

There is no problem when these things happen so rarely. It’s part of life an life is dangerous.

If this was a weekly thing, then yeah there is a problem.

One thing I know for sure, is more people packing heat wouldn’t play out like you see in Hollywood where you’re used to well set scenes and the hero with the money shot.

Crowded, dark theater in a panic you aren’t asking questions, you’re shooting everything you see and that’s a recipe for lawsuits and disaster.

The is absolutely no legitimate solution to prevent any of this.

More gun control? Won’t help.
Less gun control? May be slightly better, but still won’t help.
Make it so you have to go through metal detectors to get in the theater? Ticket prices sky-rocket, or another govt’ agency is created to fuck this up too (see: TSA). Plus, he went through the emergency exits.
Armed guards in each theater? See above.

As everyone can see, this killer was very adamant about doing this. He rigged his entire apartment prolly because he knew it’d be searched afterwards. His parents or family may have been able to do something since they knew he was fucked up.

Relax. I was asking what you thought the best idea was.

It was dark out(midnight), he parked close to an outside exit(all theaters have them) and kicked the door in. In all likelyhood he wasn’t trying to conceal them at all.

I think most of you are assuming that he walked in through the front door past a shit ton of people and walked down a hallway to the theater stage, which is not the case. He came in through an outside access door/fire escape right from the parking lot.

I just think that crime victims and those who qualify should be able to conceal carry without having to exchange a testical and kidney.

Time to go buy that 12 gauge i seen. My buddy has his concealed permet he carrys a 40 cal handgun everywere for reasons like this man

Crime victims, like those who have been traumatized and perhaps develop some paranoia, even seen a psychiatrist to discuss their problems? This is not meant to be a jab to those who have been traumatized, but I’m simply saying that some of those who have been victims may hold a chip on their shoulder (as they should), and may be a little quick on the trigger in future scenarios that may or may not be an attack.

You realize only NYS and a few others make it hard on the citizens to get permits? And it’s not even NYS’s fault, it’s up to each county’s judge(s). Some counties in NY are very easy to get a pistol permit in. Others make it harder.

Some states don’t need permits for concealed carry, such as VT.

What I’m saying is that no one should be more entitled to have a concealed carry permit than anyone else. As long as someone can pass a thorough background check and is deemed mentally fit (no negative mental history), they should be able to own a firearm, whether it be rifle or pistol, and carry it in a legal manner, such as concealed.

A 12 gauge isn’t going to help you in a movie theater. In your home, yes. Not anywhere else though.

Yep, I read that part after posting.
What still confuses me is that he was able to get in through the fire door.
Unless it was some shitty theater that violated a bunch of codes, afaik those doors only open from inside out, are metal, and have a lip that prevents them from being forced open. I don’t think it should be possible to kick one in. Maybe those were double doors? I suppose it’s possible that he actually propped the door open prior and didn’t have to kick anything in at all.

It would be about as affective as any other gun (at least with slugs), that’s not the point though.
I sure hope he didn’t mean that he’ll start carrying a concealed 12 gauge on him, because that’s the impression I got.

I meant that it won’t help him because it’s not exactly concealable walking around and in a movie theater.

I think I know at least a little bit about a firearm’s effectiveness.

How about the fact that it’s plain illegal to carry a concealed shotgun around?
It has nothing to do with effectiveness at all.

You sure about that? It’s legal to openly carry a shotgun, rifle, and pistol.