Man opens fire in Colorado movie theater

Which is why I specifically said ‘concealed’.

Yea i know but its a start im more worried about my wife and my luttle girl that will soon be here. If the dog doesnt get them the gun will

But are you sure it’s illegal to carry a concealed shotgun, or rifle?

Home defense is not a bad idea, but trouble with loons like this is that they don’t go door to door, they target public places. This one especially seemed to have planned it out pretty well, thankfully he didn’t have a way to barricade the doors at least.

Unless you are familiar with some NY statute that says otherwise I’m pretty sure it’s illegal.

I know but untill um more familiar with guns id like to start here

Could you provide a link to where it states it is illegal?

Keep in mind there are no laws to say if something is legal. There are only laws to say if something is illegal.

I can not find ANYTHING in Article 265 of NYS Penal Code (the one that deals w/ guns/firearms/weapons) that pertains to carrying of a rifle or shotgun in a concealed manner.
You WILL see laws that say it is unlawful to carry a loaded firearm unless you are licensed to do so, but here is NYS’s definition of a firearm:

  1. “Firearm” means (a) any pistol or revolver; or (b) a shotgun having
    one or more barrels less than eighteen inches in length; or (c) a rifle
    having one or more barrels less than sixteen inches in length; or (d)
    any weapon made from a shotgun or rifle whether by alteration,
    modification, or otherwise if such weapon as altered, modified, or
    otherwise has an overall length of less than twenty-six inches; or (e)
    an assault weapon. For the purpose of this subdivision the length of the
    barrel on a shotgun or rifle shall be determined by measuring the
    distance between the muzzle and the face of the bolt, breech, or
    breechlock when closed and when the shotgun or rifle is cocked; the
    overall length of a weapon made from a shotgun or rifle is the distance
    between the extreme ends of the weapon measured along a line parallel to
    the center line of the bore. Firearm does not include an antique

I am not familiar with the gun laws to such an extent, to be honest. It is my understanding that the only thing you can legally carry concealed is a pistol that you have a permit for, which grants concealed carry specifically for that pistol. All other firearms have to be either open carry, or put away separately from ammunition out of your reach during transport. I have never heard anyone say it was legal to carry a concealed shotgun or rifle, and frankly I wouldn’t try it either.

If that happened up here in NH the shooter would have been taken out in a matter of seconds

Along with innocent by standers and a good civilian or two…

You do realize nobody knew he was working alone until AFTER the fact.

He didnt kick in the exit door. He walked in unarmed, bought a ticket, walked into the theater and out the emergency exit door, placed something in front of it to keep it open, walked out to his car and grabbed his weapons. Came back in and started shooting.

Im sure if one or two people in there had weapons and were properly trained they could of got a good shot off.

I think the guy with the machine gun and body armor on is going to be pretty easy to differentiate from standard movie goers even if a couple were rocking a batman face mask.

Pretty sure if you shoot the guy with the gun and hes down and everyone see’s he is down and it has stopped no ones gonna be running around trying to shoot anyone with a gun. It was pretty obvious by the way he was dressed who was doing what. If it were a few people in normal clothes that may end updifferent.

Didn’t I say that in the post you quoted?

In a dark thaater he was wearing from my understanding a costume as were some other people for the premier.

Lets say you’re in that theater with a gun, you see 4 shots come from one location and one from the other.

What are you going to do?

Start shooting at where the shots are coming from or point the gun and start asking questions.

If you’re not asking questions you’re firing at any place you see shots coming from right?

If you are asking questions than you’re getting shot yourself because he sure as hell won’t be waiting.

Plus what if he had a regular dressed partner? He sees you pointing a gun at his buddy and he just shoots you.

Yes, I just read those details and wanted to clarify.

Im not sure the last time you were in a movie theater, Vlad but a 15X25 foot screen puts off a PRETTY good amount of lite, also the ambient lighting. Its not like this as all happening with the power out. People could see the guy in a gas mask and what he as doing. The one deterent being the smoke canister. Id of ducked, waited to see if i could of got a clear shot and hid if i couldnt of untill he was close enough to me to shoot him or or it ended. I wouldnt of John Rambod over the seats shooting in all directions.


There were other people dressed up for the premier. Wouldn’t be surprised if a few were wearing the mask from the bad guy.

Plus like I said what if he had a regularly dressed partner covering his back somewhere in the theater?

So while you duck, he’s just slaughtering lamb. Lot of good you are. Pretty sure it didn’t take long to fire off all those shots, with tear gas in the area especially.

Everybody is a hero on paper in hindsight. It’s different when you’re actually there.

Would not be surprised if there were people there with conceal carry that just ran out in the confusion instead of becoming judge dread and risk being sued for everything they own and ruining their entire life for making a quick split second decision and hitting a wrong guy.