man plows into SUV @ 92mph, goes berserk at sentancing ....

short article about the wreck & injured woman

sentencing of the man who hit her, with video

cant find anything else about it … i dont think he knew the woman, seams like maybe she did something minor that made him tweak, so he decided that it would be keen to ram her at almost 100 mph

its to bad he didnt take the steering wheel straight thru his chest. i hope he pisses off the wrong guy in prison and wind up getting his arm ripped off


Holy shit. :open_mouth:

what a tard, i hope he like his ass loose

for all you SUV haters out there, what are the chances she would have lived in a civic or grand am? yeah, exactly.

Yeah, I’m sure she bought the SUV to load up all 1 off her kids for protection from unstable individuals.

There are a lot of dumb cunts in civics and grand ams that piss me off as well.

Okay, first…nobody thinks the Grand Am was ever designed with any game plan, let alone designed with safety in mind. The G6, however, very impressive.

What a stupid argument anyway. What if she were hit by a grocery store variety SUV? Say, a very common Trailblazer. Probably worse off.

I’d rather be in a new Civic or Pontiac G6 than a Blazer. Yikes. The two door blazers were death traps.

I’m talking about the car she was in, not the car that hit her.
If a Trailblazer hit an economy car at 92MPH it would have taken her head off.

Oh and the grand am clearly had a game plan.

  1. Make 80 billion of them very cheaply
  2. Sell 40 billion to rental car cos and fleets and the other 40 billion to 16 year old girls
  3. ?
  4. Profit.


Well, if we’re playing God then the situation can go either way. What if she were driving the same car and she were hit by an SUV?

What if they were both riding in cars?

What if one was in a bubble and the other was a genie in a bottle?

either way, the person in the SUV is more likely the one who lives, regardless of whose fault it was. If i was gonna be hit, or even hit someone, id choose to do it in my dad’s avalanche. My safety > the person that hits me.

SUV’s fucking blow.

So if we all drove SUV’s we would all be safer?

If we all drove SUV’s, the oil would already be gone, and we’d be riding bikes.

No, we all need to be driving 1980’s era F1 cars. No automatics, no cruise control, no room to even carry your cell phone, no radio and no kids. Better be paying strict attention to your driving because if you don’t you’ll probably die. That ought to weed out all of the shitty drivers…

his ass will go in like this O and come out like this O

ugh i fucking hate them. when your trying to turn left at a light and cant see traffic coming the other way because a huge fucking suv is in the way. makes me want to punch babies.

or when they pull up behind you and practically blind you because the lights are shining in your mirrors.

…Or backing out of a parking spot and nearly being blindsided by someone driving down the aisle because you couldn’t see a damn thing because an Excursion decided to park next to you…

…And that same Excursion has no tow hitch and is driven by a 35 year old mom with 1 fucking kid…

Annnnyways, back on topic… that guy is a nutjob.