Man torches BMW to protest gas prices, police say

BERLIN, Germany (AP) – A German man doused his BMW with gasoline and torched it Friday in protest at skyrocketing fuel costs, police said.
The unemployed 30-year-old man drove a black 1995 BMW 3-series sedan onto the lawn outside Frankfurt’s convention center grounds at about 7:30 a.m., police spokesman Karlheinz Wagner said.
He then jumped out, emptied a canister of gas over the vehicle and set fire to it, Wagner said.
By the time the fire department got to the scene, the car was entirely burned out.
The Bavarian man, whose name was being withheld because he has not been charged with a crime, told police that gas prices were so high he could no longer afford to drive the vehicle.
As in many countries, gasoline prices have risen steadily in Germany; a liter of regular gasoline now costs about euro 1.55, or $9.40 per gallon.
Police were investigating whether the man could be charged with violating German environmental laws with the stunt, Wagner said. Penalties range from fines to five years in prison.

OMG 9.40 a gallon

this guy is onto something

maybe if everyone unites and burns their cars to the ground, we can lower gas prices!!!

Who is with me?!

lol he should of bought a peugeot

Anyone find it ironic that he used gas to set the fire?

hahaha. Yes actually. :lol:


haha when i saw the thread title, i was curious if he burned gas to do it. in estimate, he prolly spent what? 20-30 dollars on the 3 liters of gas to burn the car when he could have used it to drive a few miles.

ugh. 1.55 euro is 9.40 USD

holy fuck the dollar sucks so bad.

do you think insurance will cover it?


re - read that statement.

95 3 series in germany is probably worth less than a 95 neon here.

Well that’s one way to reduce demand.

yes the USD sucks, but not that bad.

1.55 EUR / liter != 9.40 USD / GALLON.

haha, ok. i missed the LITER part.

LITER is french for gimme my fuckin gasoline before I break VOUS FUCKING LIP :stuck_out_tongue:

this isnt news, when i was over there in feb and march it was ~7… i like the fact that he didnt break any law… yet.

gas prices in europe usually predict future prices here…

at $6/gallon, it will cost me over 75 bucks to fill up my HONDA CIVIC!!!

shoot me now.

smart move. short on cash? burn your car instead of selling it

5.87 EUR = ~$9.25 USD.

i suck. edited to protect my lackluster reputation.:spunk: