Mara Salvatrucha

About time the cops did something right. Fuckign target that shit, not my inspection sticker at a road block on 155.

Also fuck saratoga, it seems like it has been getting worse in the last year or so, it used to be fun… now the last 3 times I went there, I saw girl fights, kid brought a gun into City Tavern. A guy saw it, and told the bouncer, the bouncer knew the gun kid and kept say nahh he doesnt have a gun… and this guy was like bull shit, check him and get him the fuck out of here… the bouncer didnt do shit and the guy was going to punch the bouncer he was getting pissed, and finally just left, we left too. fucking scum.

And somehow my wife doesnt realize why I hate her going out for “girls night out”… shit like the OP pointed out make me want to wear a vest and get my cc. when I go out for a good time.