Marines kickin ass

love this:

Haha holy shit… don’t fuck with marines.

curb musta been 3 storys tall…bastard got what was coming to him


Cool cops on the scene there for sure.

musta been a high curb he fell off of.

awesome. people droppin toys,marines droppin thugs.

This was on FB months ago, great story thou!

odd this got drudged up today when this is the big headline:

A former Marine is sentenced to death for the murders of 11 women whose remains he kept in his Ohio home

wtf guy is crazy

God Bless our “curbs”.

Most Marines are. :ahh

That is fucking PERFECT hahahaha

sounds like instant karma/justice. Moron is lucky to be breathing.


takes a special person to be a Marine lmao…

Lol special or completely out of ones mind haha

True Story… all the ones I know are out of their damn minds. lmao

+1. The ones I’ve met and know are straight up trained killers and I’m glad they’re on our side.

who would stab a marine collecting toys for tots… he deserved everything he got if not more

HEY! I’m not completely out of my mind. Just partially. :ohnoes