Mariott on Millersport

Anyone know if the Marriott on Millersport Hwy. is any good on friday nights?
I know a couple years ago it used to get packed, just wondering if its still good or not now that the restaurant changed names.

Do you like hookers?

lol what?

lol… its quite a hooker pickup spot… its gotten pretty ghetto.

it still gets crowded

mainly super meatheads and super skanks

which isnt a bad thing

if ur a teenager fri night is the night to go


i am a teenager :tup:

lol, u mean you are looking to sex a teenager

when toda and i were teenagers, we’d see each other there and ____________________

i’ll just shave right before i leave and drink zimas/soco-limes all night, who’s not gonna believe im a teenager then?

It’s finally gotten ghetto there?? Guess I will check it out then. Is stupid ass DJ Anthony still there on weekends?

Its not bad if you are trying to stay local…if you are out that way…

who wants to pick some hookers tonight :tup:

man that place is soooooooo played out olny the old people hang out there now!

the restaurant there is now a hoolihan’s, my girlfriend is a server there, i dont think that too many ppl hang out there anymore

make out?