Mark's Track Days: Want In? Get on the LIST :)

So as most of you probably know Mark and I ran a few track days last year and I’ll be helping him out once again this season.

Towards the end of last season after we experienced running a few days things started to really come together and I’m super excited for this season.

Bing and Josh Parr and going to be doing some awesome events, dip will no doubt be going all out again this season (I heard rumor of some possible Calabogie and Mosport through dip?! that would be nuts.)

Anyhow, in an attempt to keep things slightly segregated from the rest of the group Mark’s Track Days started a email mailing list last year to easily distribute track day and related info.

We’ve got a whole bunch of days booked at Dunnville and possibly some other stuff going on also but if you want to be the first to know you’re going to have to post (or PM me) your NAME and EMAIL so we can add you to the mailing list. Our first time, date and price will be sent to the list probably within a week or so. We may or may not announce further plans at that time, I’m not sure yet.

Questions, comments or concerns (as well as requests to be added to the list) can always be sent to our gmail at or by sending a PM to myself here or Mark (Fobwall)

Send me those names and addresses so we can keep you in the loop!


will u be doing different locations? different events? all lapping days?

anyway im in
sending contact info

Not a lot of concrete plans yet. There has been talk of doing other locations than Dunnville and it will likely happen but nothing has been paid for yet so I’m not making any promises. Definitely ZERO drifting though :slight_smile:

I got your email and you’ve been added. Can’t wait to see your car out there (and you can come too I guess :slight_smile: )

Thanks Steve!

You have my email…but no more love letters, only info to Mark’s Track Dayz

Hey Dan, you know, this ain’t no 10-second race right?

im in i can finally afford todo this i`m in!!! 1.kollo (

  1. NoSkillz
  2. Happy240sx
  3. Ed

Sounds interesting and i’d be willing to bring the car out…
Can i get some more info on the event?

what the hell are you guys doing with a list? haha

stop that shit.

Sure, give me your email address like I said in the first message and you’ll receive all of the info you could ever need, I promise. :slight_smile:


do you prefer your @gmail or @u2n?

I’d be in for most of Marks track days…any chance of a early (May) spring date?

Heya Jim, I think I remember you opting to not be on the mailling list - I’ll shoot you a few details via PM right now.

Wicked, we’re now up to 54 names on tha mailing list - keep 'em coming boys :smiley:

hey john, you talking about possible timing equipment for rent last year. any more word on that? would be real cool if that was available.


havent worked out pricing yet but I bought a GPS lap timer and I’ve been playing with it, it’s basic but works really nicely.

it will be at all of the events, first day i’ll just be using it for testing, etc. after that i’ll set up some sort of rental procedure so everyone can have their fun with it.

coles: yes, i have a timer :slight_smile:


Both, then I’m sure to get the info.:smiley:

Mark already spoke to me John, but I don’t believe I’m on the mailing list.

Please add me, you have my email…

add me to that list brother


i dont have your email

even if i did, you’re lazy ass can post it or pm it just like everyone else :smiley:


Added, thanks!

60 names on the list now… this is awesome.