Marlboro Event at Beaverun in June

Yeah, man, please, with all due respect, understand that you may not be dealing with someone who has never driven before, either. I’ve been through open laps before and raced karts growing up; my father was an instructor at Watkins Glen when I was young. I didn’t say anything was wrong with instruction. What I said was, in effect, “I would learn more by riding shotgun with a pro”. Meaning… I learn more by example than by instruction. I just want to “feel” the line and mode of braking/acceleration in a car with someone who I know drives better and possibly different than me regardless of what track it is done at. I’m not doing it to better my own lap times at BeaveRun. So I could care less about seat time there.
Nothing more; nothing less. The key is exactly what you’d said… “The guy probably was a better driver than me”… who wouldn’t want the opportunity to ride shotgun in that situation, and get free grub out of it, too?

EDIT: Trying to edit written word so it doesn’t come off as offensive is tough. So I’ll ammend by saying my tone for this post is totally non-confrontational and simply informative.