Maserati Vs 5.slow

today comming home from work

i did the 3 honks, 40-130mph the 5.slow got him by 5-8 cars :dunno:

indeed he was racing, i gave him a 2 car lead to make sure we were racing.

  • cant hear anyone exhaust over mine *

2nd 3rd 4th 5th I lefted off to make sure he wasnt catching me :kekegay:

160,000 mile five slow 3.08 > $60K + maserati :booty:

it was a newer one, i truthfullly dont know the year…

rollracingking!! the fun u have going & leaving work!


nice kill, but id rather have a slow maserati than a fast mustang :smiley:

hahahaha. thats sweet Shag. i know u guys wont expect this from me, but 5.0 > Maserati. i truley dont give a shit about those cars, they r hideous


Quik killed 2 3rd gen camaros last night with a bike in the back…

roll racing is fun sometimes. it seems like no matter when i head or leave harmarville i find some type of race. last night 2 mullet camaros. first being a 92 5 speed 5.0 black with white stripes. todd/me silverado and street bike in bed. this going up the hill on 28. he came up next to me and i floored and and he had no chance at all. never came close to i hit damm 98 mph then he did a fly bye. my side exhaust owns him…lol also then down by the highland park bridge another camaro came up white this time with black or blue stripes pulled next to me then tried to pass and get the lead, nope had nothing this still was with the bike in the bed. i got up to 98 and he never was even close.

true nugga

haha. nice. Silverado cant be f*cked w/

let the truth be known…you cant stop us, you can only hope to contain us…

are u two joined at the nuts?? :boink :moon:

jealous? dont hate congraduate, but i dont see that happening…cause we are from the R O X


that saying :weak: & played out,get a NEW one! :rolleyes:

wait until I finish the old beater, i’ll smoke those pussy trucks with no problem. :eek4dance

pewter - they are not connected at the nuts, they are connected nut to mouth in a :69: type of position

so sorry we are not part of the MTPM

that one isnt too bad.

^ i think they’re all better than a 5.0 though