Mass Bottle Return

I figured there had to be some type of incentive for Wegmans and other places to take them back.

Dont forget to remove the tabs, if you have enough they give you a free keg.

lol RE-POTS!

I cashed in $65 worth. I went to 3 different wegmans. Im now banned from 66.6% of them for life.

I always go to Consumers, it’s much faster, then I don’t have to stand at the bottle machine at Wegmans for 45 minutes feeding in case after case after case one bottle at a time.

Damnit jam. Lol

If they’re in cases, take them to consumers. Ask ahead of time- they may let you bring them in back or something. Wouldn’t that be about $24 max? We used to take a carload to Wegmans all the time, mixed bags and cases when we lived at the Ritz, and sometimes it would come close to that price.

You guys are missing the point. I don’t want to take them anywhere.

24 cases of 24 are what is in most of the boxes. About 8 of the 24 are in 12 pack boxes separate or on 6 packs. If someone wants just the full cases thats fine. Taking 8 12 packs in is a lot easier for me than hauling them all.

I will take them all.

How does .04 per bottle sound? That is a $5 handling charge for pickup from where ever you are.

You will take them all for $.04 a bottle? May I ask how this is profitable for you?

he brews beer at home (as per previous threads), so he’ll probably clean and use the pop-top bottles and just take the rest to re-cycling.


I have about 10 Gallons of beer to be bottled and will have another 15 trailing it so I am in need of at least 250 pop top bottles in the next month and a half. I am also going to start bottling and storing beer to age it so the number of empty bottles in my inventory needs to increase.

Gotcha. Are you around this weekend? I will get a double check on them with my roommate and make sure they still are what I remember and pop top for you.

Yeah I am free whenever. you can text me at 548-0610

I know this particular case has already been settled by tpgsr. But just to clarify, if you have a good count of what you have, you can call ahead to Wegmans and they will take them and give your your return for the amount you quote. I have had this happen many times and as long as you come at a decent time (read: not super late at night or during busy store hours) they will gladly take them and take your word for it. Cans, plastic bottles, or glass doesn’t matter. They will all go straight into the dumpster with the rest and you won’t have to sit at a machine feeding them in all day.

Free keg.


Never heard from ya, you didn’t just return them did you??

You give me too much credit for motivation that you think I would suddenly pack them up and return them. Haha.

I sent you a PM just letting you know I waited because I had 2 more cases of empty Great Lakes and Saranac. They are ready to go this weekend. I am around Saturday and Sunday.

Bump for this weekend if you want them. I am around Saturday night and all day Sunday.

Just send me a text anytime. 716-548-0610 I am free or will make myself free whenever.