Matte Black whatever thread (formerly the matte black elise thread)

Heres mine


can anyone get a pic of any vehicle or something close to my truck with a flat red paint job?

Wow. This thread took a turn for the worse.

^^^ I’ve noticed, however my first reacting to the Elise was holy Batmobile! And then I saw someone else had the same reacting.

Anywho, any other sick exotics with flat paint?

Flat paint is for people who want to half ass it. If its worth doing, its worth over doing. If you need flat paint then you shouldn’t be doing that car.

I dunno, that matte paint on the elise looked sick, not half assed.

I don’t mean it looks half assed. I mean its half assed in the fact they couldn’t be bothered to but a full paint job on it.

Umm…I think the paint job on that Elise was a little more than half assed. You don’t have to like it, but the way that Elise was painted, there’s nothing half assed about that. It wasn’t a 1 hour rattle can job for a Civic or 240.

Ok your missing my point. Reading > you.

Really? Enlighten me. Because I don’t see any point you’re trying to make.

Define full paint job? I would imagine that those exotics got every touch of care when the paint was done the same as any full paint job. The reason for the matte/flat on those is not because they were to cheap to respray with color, but to stand out by doing something different.

Whereas most rattle can flat jobs is because someone doesn’t want to pony up 3 grand for a good paint job.

I can definitely see your point if it was just ok lets take the Lotus out back or the Lambo out back tape off the windows, scuff and spray with some flat paint or primer. However in this case it looks like the paint jobs were done very nicely.

Either way I still say looking good! Not something you see everyday.

that 360 looks like shit.

It looks ok on the lotus…everything else :mehhhh:

uhhh super hot

Matte paints jobs look unfinshed and shitty. Doesn’t matter how much time or care was put into it. Even if it was a perfect paint job and cost $10,000, it still looks unfinshed, or halfassed, because its not a full paint job. I can’t find a better way to explain myself.

I AM NOT saying these cars look like crap or that they did a shitty job or that they used rattle cans.

How is it not a FULL paintjob… The whole car is painted, it’s finished…

…and yeah, according to what he’s posted elsewhere, the $10k figure is probably about right.

Apparently it needs to shine to be “finished”?

lol they are using matte black paint here, so yes, the car is finished. u dont need to explain yourself

people with elises are crazy… a 10,000 dollar painjob on what is now a high 30,000 dollar car is insane.

Uh oh, better get…

figured i would bump this. i’ve bveen following a matte black M Coupe on another forums … what do you think?