Max Payne Review

Spoilers Alert, don’t read if you don’t want to know about the movie

I just saw Max Payne and decided to write a review since this is one of my favorite games. I’ll try to keep it short but their will be spoilers.

The Story
Overall this movie was “OK”. As videogame movies go it doesn’t stray that far from the original story like most ( I’m looking at you Resident Evil ). The story basically revolves around Payne hunting down the people responsible for the murder of his family. Originally thought to be done by lowly, drugged out robbers; it is later revealed that Paynes wife was targeted by the corporation she worked for in order to keep her quiet about the experimental drugs they were making. I was really glad that they kept the core of the story intact instead of writing something new. However their are a few problems with their approach. Elements that were used to propell the story in the game were completely bypased in movie, probably for time constraints.

One: Max is not an undercover DEA agent, he’s NYPD detective working as a file clerk in the cold case dept. I’m not sure why they went this route. It doesn’t help explain how he’s still activley investigating his families murder.

Two: No mofia connection. Half the game you spent killing mob goons but in the movie they’re nonexistent.

Three: In the game, the drug Valkyr was all the rage and as a undercover agent you were trying to bring those responsible down. In the movie, no one has heard of it and even though its the center of the whole movie it doesn’t seem to be the major problem to society its supposed to be.

Action Scenes
As some of you are wondering, Yes their’s bullet time and yes its awesome. My only 2 gripes are. One: this is a PG-13 movie and they pushed the envelope as far as they could but this should have been rated R. Two: Not enough action, this movie needed one more good shoot out but instead your left wanting more.

Marky Mark nailed Max Payne pretty good. You really feel what this guy is going through, if only he cracked a joke here or their like in the game he’d be perfect.

Mila Kunis sucked as Mona Sax. This role was to big for her and she is clearly not an action star. You never connect with her and your left wondering why she even cares about Max Payne. This role should have gone to a more seasoned actress like a Kate Beckinsale (Underworld) or Famke Janssen (x-men).

Beau Bridges charector as the betraying family friend is unbelievable at best and your left wondering why he eneded up the way he did.

If I was to give this movie a grade it would be a C. Its not a bad movie but its not a great movie either. The director will be releasing a Rated R version on DVD which from what I’ve read will be better and longer. The movie ends with hints at a sequel which I’m hoping they make.

glad its not a total waste i might wait until it comes out in bb and rent it

Saw it with my wife tonight.

Can I has my 1.5 hours back?

Eh. It was ok. Lacked violence, depth and accuracy(compared to the game)