Maximal on Amazon

Giving this Amazon thing a try for more exposure and so far so good. Right now stuff is pretty aggressively priced to get some sales/feedback so chances are you can save a few bucks. Still working on adding brands but there is a fair selection up there now.


You offering your stuff with free prime delivery?

I ask because a lot of times I won’t even look at merchants on Amazon that don’t offer prime. Even if the cost with shipping at merchant A is a little less than the cost with free prime shipping at merchant B I’ll usually go with B just because when merchant’s don’t use prime you never know if they’re going to ship the next day or a week later.

Eventually yes. Right now it’s free shipping (and typically 2 day, especially to NY) however for 3rd parties to be eligible for prime Amazon requires you to send the product to them to fulfill. My plan is to scope out what’s selling and then send a big shipment of those parts to Amazon to stock and then ship. They do charge for storage/shipping but their shipping rates are so cheap it should even out in the end.