May 1st Cruise

Well we first pulled over and waited for everyone before the 107 ave bridge as everyone behind us got suck at the 111th ave lights, as soon as the guys caught up and blew past us, I accelerated fast but after that I said fuck cuz we were approaching the twisties in groat right away, when I was slowing down I did a quick lane change from a car that was driving stupid slow and right when I did that, I saw cherries light up in my back window, I was going maybe 60? 70 at most. The cop blew past me and a couple other cars and 2nd turn into groat he was pulling everyone over

It sucks but what can ya do.
I got an excessive speeding ticket even though the police had no idea what my speed was and figured it was only fair to give every one a ticket.

Sanjay Fight it! or atleast go in and admit to speeding at the rate you think you were and they will change it to a speeding ticket with 2 demerits and less money at the very least. Demerits are worth alot in the long run. lol.

pictures from uc?

late i know but still

I like this one. hahahaha. Awesome!

i know specially since there is green at the rear so its like as if its slimer…AWESOME!

sorry i didnt get much of your guys cars… i need a tripod and iam pretty sure where to get a one so its coming… then i shall try some more shots