Maybe the new Macbooks

Found on it looks sick, discuss what you think of it.

Cool. Been waiting on these for a while…my MBP is about due for an update.

yeah uh NO. that’s a shit-tastic photoshop, look at the bad cloning near the trackpad and the diverging lines (where it SHOULD be converging re: perspective). not to mention, lcd trackpad? yeah not likely there…

If they do manke the touchpad like the iTouch, that would be annoying as hell. I always tap it with my palms and jump the cursor around.

I’d end up shutting that option off.

Bump for the MacBook and MacBook Pro clearance I put in for sale section. Screw the new Macs, get an older one for cheap. :slight_smile:

I am half interested for the dock to be in the trackpad, but i would keep forgetting where it is and prob open up all my applications and screw something up. Also the color scheme, i.e. the black screen, and the white and silver bottom. they should incorperate colors into the new MBP’s i would get a blue one for sure. I’ll keep posting updates as they come up.

Ok, shortly after my above post I checked this out and it is fake. dmoffitt was right about the crappy photoshop. The kid screwed up alot of ovbious times to make it really clear these are not the new laptops, sorry everyone.

Read your heart out.

Some new pictures surface from someone “on the design team”

Personally, that laptop screen better be 22" wide becuase that keyboard is small and is rumored to be smaller than a Macbook Air.

* The 'Touchpad Dock' rumor is false
* A new magnetic opening/closing system is in place
* The top of the 'shell' is gloss, similar to the iPhone and the bottom is aluminum.
* The iSight is hidden nicely in the glossy frame
* The keyboard is similar to the MacBook Air keyboard

Nothing too impressive to really necessitate an upgrade. It’s prettier. Big deal. For those that are into having the latest and greatest or the prettier notebook, there you go.

There won’t be a major jump in the processor either.

did they adopt 45nm processors yet?

i am going to have to play with this thing, before i get it. dosnt look too great but would love to have one. “A new magnetic opening/closing system is in place”… whats this?

Probably the same/similar setup as on the Macbook.

I am assuming that when you close it, it uses a magnet instead of the typical latch you see on notebooks now.

Is there a reason why all large notebooks (desktop replacements) need to have such a dinky keyboard?

My 17" Gaming laptop is pretty sweet. Keyboard is one of the best I have used on a laptop.

same OS?

Yeah, OS releases are independent of Apple’s hardware releases. We’ll be on 10.5 (Leopard) until well into 2009.

i don’t like it, i’m still having a hard time trying to give up my G4. but i think its time for an MBP.