Maybe they can't drive but they can sure park HAHA!

Title a little stereotypical but i thought it was funny :rolleyes:

This guy is a machine i would not have the patience to park like this

I’d like to see them do that with the new Self parking lexus gayness

the BMW 7 series does it too :roll:
cuz some people just suck at driving lol :lol:

Good bye power steering pump :yernuts:

I don’t even have the patience to watch that.


i thought he was gunna like drive in real fast and just crank the e-brake :sad

^^^^^^^^^EXACTIALLY what i was thinking. then i saw this gay shit.

yah its nothing that special
people have to do that all the time when they get boxed in at my school :lol:

LHD in Japan, ooohhhh (actually thats more common there than RHD is here)

I think its korean… At these the subtitles look it.

haha this is awesome. . .

So thats why every RHD car i see has scuffed corner, its people who try and park like that.

Read the second comment, the guy thinks he’s pro and can do it too, lol. Man…if that was me i’d probably eat it and destroy like all the cars around me, but then i’d go gangsta and pop some rounds in that pig and then i’d say… “we ain’t hungrray no more”.

ive seen that before, and ya thats sweet.
that guy that said he does it everyday is a retard. all talk u can just tell.

and id probably do the same thing astro_ng id hit everything, probably wouldnt even get as far as that 180deg turn.

that was from a Jackie Chan movie, i forgot which, Mitsu sponsors all his movie’s with their cars, he does alot crazier things with that Evo in the movie (well the stunt driver)… now i’m gonna have to go find it.

its the price you pay for a good parking spot

Oh, it is from a Jackie chan movie, maan, he’s so great, he basically drives all evo’s except for in a few movies he drives a vr-4.

Thunderbolt is one of the movies i own from him, and he drives a vr-4 after he crashes his evo and the infamous SKYLINE is his enemy, man i love his movies, lol.

Mitsu actually released like 100 jackie chan evo’s.