Maybe time for a little censorship?

You guys are sick fucking bastards…

Here we are talking about a FUCKING MOVIE MADE FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF PROFIT showing a little girl either scantly clad… or in underwear.

First of all you sick fucks, a naked kid, boy girl, or anything inbetween is never fucking art… it is fucking sick. This is not a 40yr old woman, this is not an 18 yr old woman… and who the fuck cares if her parents say it is ok… MOST FUCKING PEDS ARE THE FUCKING PARENTS MAKING THEIR FUCKING KIDS GET NAKED …

IT IS NOT FUCKING ART YOU ASSHOLES, just cause it is nude w/o dildos or cock does not make it art… I think you guys are missing the point that it is a little girl… A LITTLE FUCKING GIRL WHO COULD BE PARTIALLY NAKED… NEVER RIGHT. If it is underwear, different story… what is she is topless but she still has the chest of a little boy… does that make it any more civil? I don’t give a shit about pampers or fucking huggies because they aren’t using a fucking 12 yr old girl in a rape scene to sell tickets.

Do you honestly think that by removing the “nude” scene from this movie will affect the artsy fucking message it is trying to relay? Do you really fucking think it is necessary to see a fucking naked little girl to know how serious child rape is? You guys are fucked in the head.

The quote doesn’t say PJs … or a fucking big t-shirt… it says she could be naked or she could be in underwear…

It isn’t about censorship or your right to view pussy… it is about this little girls right to have adults make adult decisions for her until she is capable of it. Even though Dakota Fanning is smarter than most of you already, she is also in an industry where shock factor = $$$ and maybe to her and or her parents $$$ is the only reason she is in the movie… why else be in a movie? Why not go out on your own, and do some public service announcments without the kiddy tangas dancing around…

A chick who is 18+ getting raped by a fucking donkey is way fucking different than any naked kid on any film.

you guys are fucking sick. you make me sick.

Its not fucking art, nobody on here actually appreciates art anyway… most of you will go to see Dakota’s Fanny… and be much, much less concerned with the ART in the fucking movie. Do you really need to know how brutal child rape it? You don’t already know? Would showing a little girl being raped help you know? No? Not yet? What if we show you her ass… ? A little more detail make that big of a fucking difference?