Mazda Mustang?

Sorry if its a repost … new to me at least.

Not my cup of tea, but gotta give them props for making it look clean :tup:

Miata Based Custom Built All Steel Roadster.

Conversion Prices Start At $12999.00 Plus Tax and Your Miata Donor Car

We modify wiring, install all body components, chrome parts, bumpers, lights, etc.

The base price does not include painting. All parts are after market parts that have been extensively modified.

Any state and federal laws that pertain to this type of conversion should be checked before purchase.

Removal parts are part of the adjusted base price.

If you wish to keep removal parts add $1000.00 to build price.

so fucking :bloated:

So… uh…
Yeah, I don’t really have any words for this. This little guy sums it up perfectly: :bloated:


wow thats really gay

hahaha, it actually doesnt look horendous but :bloated: because its on a miata base and slower than balls

Meh. It’s not that bad, not that great. I’ve always thought miatas were fucking ugly anyway, so it’s not really ruining a great looking car.

Kinda reminds me of this gay vette conversion

nasty as shit

This Mustang conversion looks a lot closer then that Corvette conversion.

A big :tdown:

The vintage Mustang guys (and probably the Miata guys) agree - keep the Miata and Mustang seperate, kthnx :tup: It’s disproportionate as fuck.

That’s ugly as sin.

prob out handles the mustang

Nope. When I first started reading I got all excited thinking someone was shoe-horning a mustang 4.6 into a Miata, then it got all gay.

dude your grandma could outhandle a 1g mustang

:lol: thats my point…although this is ugly and slow…the 1g mustang was slow too this car prob out perfroms it haha

i’ve ridden in both

unless it was a really new miata…


i really hate both cars

What a waste of a Miata.

^i wouldn’t really consider anything a waste of a miata.

but on a good note, there is a company that puts 5.0’s in miatas. I think they are called the “monster miata” or something like that, they were pretty rediculous. revamp the interior and get rid of the gay looking roll hoops and i’d say a miata frame with a mustang motor and 9/10’s scale body (or whatever it is) would be pretty cool. but then you’d be spending way to much money on a miata.