Mazdaspeed6 VS 05 Subbie Legacy 2.5GT Any input?

That’s only cause you live in Dudebridge and you race Civics from light to light. Also, you try to impress ladies by stepping on it.

Btw, you still have you Civic? :smiley:

Do you G owners get like 450km/tank with 75L?

I’ve read its VERY bad lol

Depends, a lot do actually. I get pretty good mileage compared to most G/Z guys that I’ve talked with, and I get about 550km/63L. The full tank is 76L, but that’s how far I run it.
The other thing I’ve noticed, is that the VQ doesn’t take kindly to being babied. I get marginally better fuel economy if I drive like a grandma, don’t use the A/C, etc… So I take the small penalty, and have my A/C on all the time when it’s warm, and I gun it all the time so the car makes pretty noises :smiley:

Mark - I still have it, wouldn’t give that thing up for the world, it’s the best beater I’ve ever had, and the best value I’ve gotten out of any car I’ve ever owned.

Antonio, good stuff man…Did you rice it out yet with a lip and side skirts? :stuck_out_tongue:

Btw, I just picked up an EK for myself…sadly, I’ll be parting with my EG soon :frowning:

No, still bone stock :smiley: I wouldn’t mind moving up to an EK to get A/C for the occasional defog, but it’s not that big of a deal on a winter car, pretty happy with mine the way it is.